Dear pirates,

It’s me again! 

I know that tomorrow Mr. Rodrigo will probably tell you who are the “Captains of the Week”… But this week I don’t want you to be the captains since all of you have already taken Barbossa and Jack home. 

So… after thinking and thinking about this…I thought… why not to choose Elisa and Amanda as “Captains of the Week”?

I know Amanda knows everything about our adventure, but what about Elisa? Does she know something? If you want, tomorrow morning, when you arrive, you can tell her she is the “Captain of the Week”. Will she accept? I'm not sure... but you can try! Maybe she says yes!

You should also explain her what are the rights and responsibilities of the captains. Including that she has to take Jack home this weekend. If Elisa accepts, she will be part of the mission, and another important pirate until the end of our trip.

Please, remind Mr. Rodrigo to read this tomorrow morning… in case he doesn’t read it today…

Have a nice afternoon with your family!
The Messenger Parrot.


  1. Perfect! I will tell her tomorrow. I think that is a good idea 💡. 😃👍🏻🤫


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