*This is only what you have to know for the exam ... but don't you think you can learn much more?*That's why we will learn more about particles and atoms.
What is matter? Anything we can see, touch, taste or smell is matter. In other words, everything on our planet and in the Universe is made up of matter. Even you are made up of matter!
The words matter and material can be confusing. Materials are made up of matter, and we use materials to make things.
The words matter and material can be confusing. Materials are made up of matter, and we use materials to make things.
- Copy and complete the project in your notebook. Add two more objects and the words to describe them.
- Carla wants to add the word resistant to some of the objects. Which objects?
- All of these objects are made up of different materials (metal, plastic, wood, etc.). Where do we get them from?
A mixture is something that contains two or more different materials. Almost everything around us is a mixture, including the air we breathe. In some mixtures we can see the different materials; in others it is impossible to see the different materials. Try making the mixtures below – some of them are delicious,
Do you think it is possible to separate the different materials in a mixture? We can separate some materials in a mixture by sieving, filtering or evaporating. Follow the steps below and learn about these three methods.
- Describe the two types of mixtures in your own words.
- Put the following mixtures into two groups: sea water, muesli, milkshake, paint, fruit cake.
- Which separation method do you think is best for separating sand and water? What about sand and pebbles?
- Use drawings to explain the difference between filtering and sieving.
Energy is important for everything we do. But did you know that energy has different forms? Look at the picture and read about the different types of energy that we find all around us.
When we heat a material, we are adding thermal energy to it. Thermal energy can make materials change state.
- If the thermal energy in a solid increases, it may become a liquid. This process is called melting.
- If the thermal energy in a liquid increases, it may become a gas. This process is called evaporation.
One of the properties of materials is the way they respond to electricity.
- Electricity can pass through some materials very easily. These materials are called electrical conductors. Metals and water are very good electrical conductors.
- Other materials don’t allow electricity to pass. These materials are called electrical insulators. Wood and plastic are good electrical insulators.
Why is it important to cover electrical cables in plastic?
Have you ever thought about why umbrellas, raincoats and rubber boots protect us from the rain?
We use different materials because of their properties. Look at the objects in the pictures. Think about what they are made of and why we use these materials. Use the words to help.
We use different materials because of their properties. Look at the objects in the pictures. Think about what they are made of and why we use these materials. Use the words to help.
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