Image result for parrot cartoon

Dear pirates,

it's me again! The messenger parrot!

I bring you an essential message for your adventure.
Image result for pirate letter
As you could see this week, your boat has changed its appearance a lot. Now you have 6 pirate groups of different colours: the blue pirates, the green pirates, the yellow pirates, the orange pirates, the pink pirates and the red pirates
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These are going to be your teams during this stretch of the treasure adventure. Each group will have four pirates, and every pirate will have a decisive role in the group. These roles are already available in your classroom and will rotate every week. 

Do not forget that despite belonging to a small group, you must always DO YOUR BEST for the large group.
Image result for pirates jake
In these groups you will have the opportunity to collect coins that you will accumulate and exchange for rewards. 

To get each of the prizes that appear on the table you need to get the established number of coins. But ... keep in mind that every time you exchange the coins for a reward, you will lose those coins and therefore the possibility of getting bigger prizes.
Image result for pirate coins cartoon
Thus, as brave and intelligent pirates you must manage your money well to be able to get the best for the group. 

Getting that money will not be easy, the coins will be managed by the captain, who will decide every day which groups of pirates deserve that reward. The captain may also steal coins from those groups that are not contributing to work as a team.
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Apart from this, the captain may sit in the group she/he wishes. This will help her/him monitor the work that all pirates do.
For this new dynamic we will still have to wait until Christmas holiday are over. From then on, prepare your chest to keep safe all the coins and get ready to control your money!

5 extra minutes of break.
Have Jack and Barbossa at your group table.
Get a golden sticker!
10 extra minutes of break.
Choose music for the class to hear!
Have the teacher make a positive comment of you to your family.  

Read a book to the class.

Extra art- time.
Borrow the teacher’s chair for the day!

Play a computer game.

Teach the class your favourite game


PIRATE CERTIFICATE of good behaviour.


  1. my group is the blu pirates

  2. My favorite reward is playing the computer game.


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